William Penn Homes

Location: Chester, PA

Owner: Chester Housing Authority

Size: 160 new units

Utilizing funding from HUD, DCI was contracted to program, plan, design and construct a revitalized community. While the existing William Penn Homes consisted of 300 units of townhouses, quadraplexes and apartments in a ‘SUPERBLOCK’ setting, the redesigned William Penn Homes reduces density by 40%. The front and back of every building was reversed. Streets were introduced to the superblock plan, and all units were given individual entrances with street addresses. “Defensible space” was the objective. Court yards were secured, and a hierarchy of public to private space was established. Important input was provided by hired residents as well as all other residents through an extensive consensus building process. This project was awarded Delaware County Planning Commission’s William H. Bates award for excellence in planning, design and land development.